Information for Charitable Organizations
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Authorized by the Governor, the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund (USECF) offers state employees a one-stop point to support local, national, and international charitable organizations that provide critical services in our communities and beyond.
We appreciate your willingness to participate in the USECF and its annual fund raising campaign, Lend A Helping Hand. Charities must meet the following criteria to be eligible:
- Comply with the Utah Charitable Solicitations Act.
- Comply with the Utah Department of Commerce rules and regulations.
- Have current IRS 501 ( c ) (3) tax exempt status.
- Demonstrate regular participation or presence in the state of Utah.
- Churches, government, and political subdivisions, political action groups, veteran, and fraternal organizations shall not be eligible.
Participating organizations shall be ineligible to receive donations and continue participating in the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund if they fail to meet the qualification criteria stated in the Bylaws. Compliance with the qualification criteria is reviewed each year by the USECF Board of Directors.
Following the close of the campaign, funds collected through payroll deductions are disbursed to the designated charities by a check twice a year: Funds collected January 1 – June 30 are disbursed in August, and funds collected July 1 – December 31 are disbursed in February of the following year. One-time contributions are distributed in January following the close of the campaign.
How to Be Included in the USECF and the Lend A Helping Hand Campaign
New Charities
Please fill out the Application Form and submit all required documents no later than July 1st to be considered for inclusion in the fall Lend A Helping Hand campaign and the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund.
Continuing Charities
Please fill out the Campaign Compliance Form each year no later than August 1st to continue to participate in the Lend A Helping Hand campaign and the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund. Federated charities must also include a current list of sub-charities. This number is used to determine compliance.