Campaign Promotion

Promoting the Lend A Helping Hand Campaign

During the annual Lend A Helping Hand fund-raising campaign, your most important task as a campaign coordinator is to get the word out. You can promote the campaign and encourage employees in your department to donate by reaching out in many different ways. Here are only a few suggestions:

  • Send weekly email messages with a short video or flyer attached
  • Place posters or flyers in locations frequented by employees: bathrooms, elevators, breakrooms, hallways, etc.
  • Publish an article in an employee newsletter before or during the campaign
  • Display a flyer on your department intranet
  • Present a short video at staff meetings before or during the campaign

You are welcome to use the promotional materials provided on this website and personalize them as needed. You can also create your own. If you do create your own flyers, please send them to your Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund (USECF) Board liaison in a format that allows editing so they can be shared with other campaign coordinators.

Please include a USECF/Lend A Helping Hand logo in all communication pieces, whether electronic or print. We recommend using the USECF color scheme when possible. Also, we encourage using the USECF letterhead for campaign-related correspondence.

Promotional materials to carry out these activities are available to you here

  • Short Videos
  • Campaign Posters/Flyers
  • Newsletter Article
  • Governor Cox Letter to Employees
  • USECF/Communication Suggestions for Campaign Coordinators
  • USECF/Lend A Helping Hand Logos
  • USECF Letterhead
  • USECF Recommended Color Scheme

Short Videos

Reminder Shorts

Campaign Flyers/Posters/Communication Booklet (click the image to download the file)

Utah State Employees' Charitable Fund Poster with grandmother and granddaughter. Lend a helping hand. Donate to qualified charities through payroll deduction or one-time contribution:
Flyer: Elder
Utah State Employees' Charitable Fund Poster with food line. Lend a helping hand. Donate to qualified charities through payroll deduction or one-time contribution:
Flyer: Food Line
Utah State Employees' Charitable Fund Poster with smiling girl. Many Hands, One Utah. Join with fellow employees to benefit our nation, state, and world. Donate to qualified charities through payroll deduction or one-time contribution:
Flyer: “Many Hands, One Utah” Girl
Utah State Employees' Charitable Fund Poster with grandfather and granddaughter. Many Hands, One Utah. Join with fellow employees to benefit our nation, state, and world. Donate to qualified charities through payroll deduction or one-time contribution:
Flyer: “Many Hands, One Utah” Grandfather
Utah State Employees' Charitable Fund Poster with people planting trees. Lend a helping hand. Donate to qualified charities through payroll deduction or one-time contribution:
Flyer: Planting trees
Screenshot of pamphlet: "Communication Suggestions for USECF Campaign Coordinators".
Coordinator Suggestions Pamphlet

USECF/Lend A Helping Hand Campaign Logos

USECF Letterhead

USECF Recommended Color Scheme