Frequently Asked Questions
Donate Links
What is the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund?
Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund (USECF) is authorized by the Governor to provide employees a one-stop point for donating money to vetted local, national, and international non-profit organizations that serve people with basic needs for food, shelter, health care, education, etc. It is governed by a board of directors made up of state employees who are appointed by the Governor to serve in a volunteer position.
What is the Lend A Helping Hand Campaign?
Each fall between September and November, the USECF Board organizes the Lend A Helping Hand campaign to offer employees an opportunity to participate in the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund. Employees are encouraged to give generously to the specified non-profit organizations, which have been vetted by the Board to ensure they meet accepted standards of sound financial management and comply with applicable federal and state legal and regulatory requirements. However, neither the State nor the USECF Board endorses the approved agencies.
How do I make a donation during the Lend A Helping Hand Campaign?
During the campaign, donations are made securely and confidentially online. You may give either via ongoing payroll deductions or a one-time donation. Please go to the DONATE page to pledge your contribution. Step-by-step instructions are available on this website. Your Department Campaign Coordinator and USECF Board members are happy to answer questions and provide further assistance.
Will a small donation make a difference?
YES. Every dollar you give makes a big difference in people’s lives. For example, in 2018, state employees gave $30,000 to the Utah Food Bank, helping provide 111,000 meals to hungry Utah individuals and families. Among them were Emily and her family. She said, “This food has helped me so much—if I didn’t have the free meals from school and the Kids Cafe meals we get at the library, my family would probably starve. If I could say something to the people who give us this food, I’d tell them thank you very much and that I owe you one in the future. Oh, and I’d tell them bless their souls.”
Can I have my donation deducted automatically from my paycheck?
YES. Payroll deductions are the preferred method for donating money. You can give easily and securely online. Go to the DONATE page. The deductions, in the amount that you specify, will begin the coming year in January and continue through December. Payroll deductions must be renewed each year; they do not continue automatically.
Do I have to donate through payroll deductions?
No. An employee also has the option of making a one-time contribution online. Go to the DONATE page. After making you pledge online, print your receipt and attach a copy to your check or money order, made payable to Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund, and give them to your Department Campaign Coordinator.
How are the funds distributed to my designated agency?
To ensure your gift goes to the agency of your choice, enter the appropriate code from the list of approved non-profits, along with the amount you wish to donate. Funds collected through payroll deductions are disbursed to the agencies by a check twice a year: in February and in August. One-time contributions are distributed once a year: in January.
What if the non-profit agency that I wish to donate to is not included on the non-profits list?
If your preferred agency is not listed, please choose another agency from the collection of more than 500 organizations. Feel free to encourage an agency to apply to be included in the Utah State Employees’ Charitable Fund. Application forms for agencies are available on this website. The application deadline is July 1 in order to be considered for inclusion in the fall Lend A Helping Hand campaign.